Gowan Park pavilion scheduled for replacement

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The municipality has applied for grant money to help pay for the replacement of the pavilion at Gowan Memorial Park.

“The municipality approved the 2016 budget including the replacement of the Gowan Park pavilion. The current facility is in a poor state of repair and is in need of replacement,” reported Clearview Township’s director of community services Mara Burton to council on June 27.

The township’s Recreation and Culture Committee last month recommended the pavilion have one shared washroom instead of separate ones for men and women to reduce costs and that it be located next to the snack bar. Committee also suggested that the pavilion be open on three sides facing the street.

The 2016 budget was approved including $90,000 for the Gowan Park pavilion but accessible washrooms were not originally envisioned when the budget of $90,000 was set for this facility.

“The washrooms may not have been envisioned in the original budget, however, the existing washrooms would be subject to upgrade for accessibility at some point. Further, there will be an economy of scale to include this work as part of the pavilion construction with a future cost savings as the old washrooms will no longer be needed and can be converted for storage,” reported Burton adding, “Given that the cost of adding washrooms was not budgeted, if we do not obtain the grant, it is proposed to put the project off to 2017 in order to add money to the budget these improvements.”

The grant application was due June 24, three days before council approved the application. Burton said the opportunity to come before council prior to this date was not possible so staff applied on the Township’s behalf.

The Canada 150 Grant could match the budgeted funds and would pay for the accessible washrooms, pathways around the pavilion and the storage.

The replacement pavilion, 75 by 25 feet in size) would be oriented perpendicular to the existing pavilion.

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