Together we can create a sustainable future

 In Opinion

Clearview Township positively shines in autumn with resplendent fall colours and golden harvests. It’s a time to be grateful for the natural beauty that surrounds us, and to think about what we can do as individuals and collectively to ensure a sustainable future for all of us.

Anyone interested in climate action, making new friends and contributing to a resilient future is invited to join the Clearview Sustainability Network (CSN), an optimistic citizen-led group committed to helping our local government and community adapt and evolve in the face of a changing climate. Come and hear about what the network has accomplished in the past year and what actions and initiatives we might undertake next. New members and new ideas are welcome and encouraged!

This gathering will be hosted on Sunday, Oct. 20 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., with an optional BYO picnic beforehand from 11:30 a.m., and an optional fall hike following at 3 p.m. This event is free, and all are welcome.

CSN originally developed in response to the township’s request for public input into its new draft Strategic Plan and Official Plan. We supported the incorporation of a “climate lens” with relation to all municipal functions and encouraged the creation of standards to enhance the livability and resiliency of our community. We were honoured to be able to engage directly with council members, staff and consultants to help define a more sustainable future for our Township in the face of a changing climate. In early 2024, after receiving a record number of applicants, council created its Climate Action Advisory Committee, which CSN supports through its active broad volunteer base.

Clearview Sustainability Network currently has two very active working groups: Buildings and Development, led by Jim Campbell, and Nature and Biodiversity, led by Brenna Lattimore.

The Buildings and Development committee continues to build local alliances for the regional uptake of Green Development Standards, and is developing a public awareness program to help local homeowners better understand options that will lower their building’s greenhouse gas emissions and improve their resiliency during power disruptions.

The Nature and Biodiversity Group has been busy planning public events on topics such as pollinator gardens and turtle conservation. These events have been very well attended, and the group is looking forward to planning more events for the upcomingyear.

These areas of focus have been very much driven by the passions and experience of current members, and the group is keen to expand focus into other areas if there is public interest and commitment from community members.

What would you like to see CSN focus on in the future, and how might you be able to help? There are opportunities for everyone to engage, no matter how much (or how little!) time you have to commit. We are open, inclusive, and can’t wait to hear your ideas, so please join the conversation this Sunday.

Here is what you need to know to attend the gathering: Meet at the Highlands Nordic parking lot, 1182 Concession 10 South, Duntroon, Ontario, and be directed to the meeting place. Come early for the picnic, stay late for the hike, or just attend thebrainstorm. The event will be held in an unheated restored barn, so please dress warmly.

– Submitted by the Clearview Sustainability Network steering committee.

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