Solution found for arena lobby flooring woes

 In Sports

Clearview’s general manager of parks, culture and recreation Terry Vachon believes a solution has been found for the problematic flooring in the lobby of the Stayner Arena.

The Stayner Arena has been having issues with the lobby flooring almost since the building was built,” reported Vachon. “The flooring kept lifting and binding every spring and fall due to the moisture and wetness under the floor. A permanent solution was never achieved over the years.”

Council has approved a quote from Dean’s Flooring One in Duntroon in the amount of $51,861.55 via sole sourcing procedure for the specialized Triumph rubber tiles.

Vachon said he is thrilled to have a local and knowledgeable contractor to work with and to have it come in under budget is a bonus. The job was included in the 2022 budget at $75,000.

“We are so lucky,” said Vachon. “It has been an ongoing battle. I personally felt that we would never find a solution other than removing and digging up the entire lobby which would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thank God there is this new technology out there.”

Vachon said they successfully tested the new rubberized flooring in the worst part of the lobby.

The hope is to install the tiles in August to avoid disrupting the lacrosse season, but in time for the skating season.

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