Clearview passes property standards bylaw

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Clearview Township has implemented a property standards bylaw, which will come into effect on Jan. 1.

Clerk Pamela Fettes said the bylaw is about setting some basic standards for properties in Clearview Township.

“In every community you need to develop that minimum standard so that when people come into the community they appreciate the properties and how things look,” said Fettes, adding it enhances economic development and community investment.

The property standards bylaw will be complaint driven, meaning when a complaint is received in writing staff will investigate, communicate and enforce the bylaw, reported Fettes.

The bylaw covers interior and exterior properties, of which the latter is required to be kept free of rubbish, pests, noxious weeds, derelict vehicles and boats, machinery and dilapidated buildings. It also covers fences, retaining walls, trees and a number of other things.

Structures must meet standards set out in the Building Code Act.

Committee of Adjustment will serve as the Property Standards Committee in the beginning but Fettes indicated the committee’s role will be evaluated as to whether or not it is the right body to handle appeals going forward.

Councillor Kevin Elwood said he is opposed to the property standards bylaw saying it is too far reaching and could be used as “a tool for people to complain about their neighbours”.

“I don’t want to have our community bicker amongst each other and draw ourselves into that,” said Elwood.

At Monday’s meeting, bylaw officers Joseph Paddock and Michelle Davies were appointed property standards officers.

Fettes reported, recent changes to the Residential Tenancies Act has transferred residential maintenance standards from the province to municipal bylaw enforcement departments as of July 1, 2018.

As of that date, said Fettes, the province is out of the business of doing inspections and municipalities are required to take over.

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  • Kathy Metheral McCuaig

    Very glad to see this coming into effect. And if Councillor Elwood is worried about it becoming a complaint line, so be it. If homeowners take care of their property then they have nothing to worry about. For my part, I hope the newly-appointed bylaw officers take a drive out to Dunedin. The residents there are too nice to complain but whenever I visit the hamlet my great-great-great grandfather founded in 1834 I am appalled by the sight of properties that were obviously purchased as an ‘investment’ and are now left to rot.

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