Canada left defenseless

Editor: I thought that poetry was about glorifying beauty, nature, people’s accomplishments, etc. Never crossed my mind that using profanity qualifies as a poem. (Re: It’s Donald! Duck! by Tim Armour, Jan. 31.) I sympathize with the poet’s feelings. Perhaps he should write a poem about [...]

CAs are pillars in our communities

by Jonathan Scott [On Jan. 24], I had the honour of being elected chair of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA). As I step into this new role, I’ve been reflecting on why conservation authorities matter so deeply to our communities, our province and our country. What could be [...]

It’s Donald! Duck!

by Tim Armour So now they’ve sworn in Donald Trump again as Main Commander. This huge buffoon. This horse’s rump. If I may speak with candor, His plethora of rhetoric is verbal diarrhea. Anathema to Metternich. It has no panacea. Whoever takes our reins of power can’t let our land be beaten. [...]

Volunteering creates belonging

Who has made it their New Year’s resolution to volunteer more? Going to the gym is a noble goal (although one that is statistically unlikely to continue) but there are better (or shall we say, additional?) ways to be active and healthy in your community. Volunteering is a great way for new [...]