Shifting standards of beauty

There is a conversation happening in this community and many others about pollinator gardens that, dare we say, isn’t only about flowers and bugs. It’s about eco-health, fossil fuel consumption and a desire to do something good for the planet, no matter how small. At the root of the topic is a [...]

Can I have my roses and pollinators too?

by Christine March, Master Gardener Recently I joined both the Huronia and Canadian Rose Societies and immediately felt guilty for doing so. With the planet in such peril, with what we know about climate change, and the impact invasive species are having on our planet; with the steep decline in [...]

Confidence, support grows for organic food

by Owen Roberts Ottawa and consumers are showing a lot of confidence in Canada’s organic sector, which continues to break new ground and reach new markets. At the end of June, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay announced more than $2 million in federal support for [...]

Park plans threaten peace and quiet

  Editor: I live in McKean subdivision on Blackburn Ave. Several weeks ago, a meeting was held in our local McKean Memorial Park. Area neighbours were not notified about the meeting however, when several tents were erected, my neighbour came to my door to inform me that ‘something’ was going on [...]

Doing a good thing for the environment

Editor: Thank you for printing the letter from Ian Payne and Vicki Reynolds in the June 28 issue of the paper. It is a wonderful feeling to know that there are others living in your community with similar views and concerns. To the letter writers I say, good job and keep up the good work. […]