Corrective work being done at Avening Hall

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Although it doesn’t look like much progress is being made on the accessibility addition at Avening Hall, project manager Baz Dokainish assured those in attendance at an AGM Tuesday that work by the new contractor is “full steam ahead.”

Domm Construction has assumed the contract to make the hall AODA compliant after the original contractor failed to meet timelines. Dokainish said the target completion date is late fall, acknowledging that is “aggressive.” That puts the Avening Hall renovation project a full year behind schedule.

Dokainish said a lot of correction work is currently being done inside of the building, which is the reason it looks like there isn’t much action taking place on the job site. He said the original building, main hall and basement bowling alley has sustained no damage. The corrective work is to address work associated with the addition including plumbing joints, weeping tile connection, the elevator shaft and the front steps. He said scans are being done to ensure the block work is done properly.

“We’re correcting everything internally to make sure everything is done right. Then we’ll start to see outside work being done, something more tangible for the public to see,” Dokainish told those in attendance. “It could have been worse.”

Earlier this year Clearview council approved a contract with Domm Construction in the amount of $1.4 million after invoking an emergency method under its procurement bylaw.

Domm Construction, the second ranked bidder in the original tender process, is the builder who did the New Lowell fire hall and public works building project and the Sunnidale Corners Community Centre renovation accessibility project. For legal reasons, the discussions around dissolving the original contract have taken place in- camera, including talks about recouping costs and cost overruns relating to architectural, engineering, inspections and addressing deficiencies.

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