RCMP names award for Ken Thornton

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On Saturday, November 3, the RCMP Pipes & Drums convened its annual regimental dinner in Ottawa. Ken Thornton was front and centre as usual as the Band’s VIP head table guest.

Ken has been a member in good standing of the Band since 2002. But this was a very special occasion for both Ken and the Band. The first annual “Ken Thornton Trophy” was awarded to the band member who most demonstrated the traits and character of the man himself. Piper John Cameron Yourt was the proud recipient for 2012.

For those who know Ken, he is a man committed to lifelong learning, and such an inspiration. He learned to ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle at the age of 65. He was 83 years young when he learned to play the bagpipes. Ken just authored his second book, a novel entitled The Elusive Dream, chronicling the escapades of a young Mountie. Not only does he practice Tai

Ken Thornton and John Cameron Yourt

Chi, but he has recently taken up the harp.

Ken’s story is not yet fully told. Surely, there are further exploits to follow. For the time being, RCMP Piper Jack Yourt has the honour to take home the Ken Thornton Trophy. Others will follow, all in recognition and honour of a man dedicated to the pursuit of learning and teaching life’s lessons by example.

Graham Muir is the Band Officer for the RCMP Pipes & Drums in the National Capital Region.

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