Welcome to our new online home

 In News

This week the Creemore Echo is proud to introduce its brand new online home, thecreemoreecho.com. Designed by Michael L’Ecuyer and Ruth Ann Pearce of Creemore’s coloveration art and design studio, the new website takes advantage of much that today’s Internet has to offer in terms of delivering information in a dynamic, timely manner, not only on our website but across social networks as well.

With this site we will be able to upload more content from the Echo, and in eye-catching new ways (think videos and lots of pictures). The website will now retain every story we’ve ever uploaded, and that cache of information will be fully searchable. Perhaps most interestingly, visitors will also have the ability to comment on any article they choose. We hope this will become a vital forum for our readers to discuss what’s happening in Creemore and its surrounding area.

Reflecting the technology of our times, thecreemoreecho.com is also optimized for mobile use (though we encourage any iPad, iPod or iPhone users to update their operating systems to iOS 5, in order to get the most out of the site).

Some of you may be wondering, we suspect, why we chose to start fresh at a new address (thecreemoreecho.com) instead of continuing on with our traditional one (creemore.com). It’s a good question, regarding a decision that came after a lot of discussion.

Our first directive to the coloveration crew was that we wanted our new website to more accurately reflect the look and feel of our newspaper. And they delivered. No longer will there be a disconnect between the style of our website and the style of our paper. But that led us to a realization, one that you’ll understand when you have a look at the new website. Such an obvious extension of the Echo’s print edition and with our familiar “The Creemore Echo” banner at the top, the website had obviously become something different than our old one. Something that could only be called thecreemoreecho.com.

One other factor led us to the change, and that’s that Michael and Ruth Ann had recently finished a beautiful website for the Creemore BIA. That site filled a niche that we now no longer needed to fill – the one that’s meant to draw tourists to our village. The BIA site is called ourcreemore.com, and is worth a visit just for the beautiful rendering of the Mill Street shops that welcomes you, let alone all of the visitor information it includes.

Our decision did leave us with a dilemma, however… that is, what should be done with the creemore.com address? It’s too important to be abandoned, and too valuable to the village to be set up only as a forwarding address to thecreemoreecho.com.

We finally decided, in a moment of clarity, that it could become a community portal. Some people google Creemore for the news, and some people google it for tourist information. Creemore.com will now be a simple, one-page website, featuring a split screen. On the left will be the Creemore Echo’s logo, linking to our new website at thecreemoreecho.com. On the right will be the BIA’s logo, linking to their new website at ourcreemore.com.

The two websites will work together as well, with a front page link to ourcreemore.com on our home page, and links to our calendar in various places on the BIA’s website.

For the record, the email addresses of Creemore Echo staff will stay the same, using creemore.com as the host address.

The Creemore Echo and coloveration are excited and extremely proud to present thecreemoreecho.com. Please drop in for a visit. Browse the stories, comment on one of them, “like” another on facebook or tweet it to your twitter account, search the archive of stories, peruse the business or community directory, click on the ads to find out more about our advertisers.

This is a website that’s capable of taking us, and Creemore, into the future. It will grow with us, and with you. We hope you enjoy using it as much as we’ve enjoyed building it for you.

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