New Mollie book launch at library

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Creemore children’s author darci-que has written another book in her series of Mollie Doodle adventures, and she’ll host a launch party for it from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday, March 30 at the Creemore branch of the public library.

This time around, Creemore’s best-known dog learns a lesson about sharing, in a book called Sharing Means Caring. The story revolves around a Shih Tzu that comes to stay at Mollie’s house and takes a liking to her toys, putting Mollie’s nose out of joint until she realizes how much nicer it is to be generous with her things.

The Mollie Doodle books have taken on a life of their own recently, and are now regulars on the shelves of several Chapters stores in the greater Toronto area. Sharing Means Caring will have another launch party on April 6, in fact, at the Erin Mills Chapters.

Through Mollie, darci has found a way to teach children valuable lessons, about tough subjects like bullying. The next book, already in development, will be called Why Didn’t I Win? and focus on teaching kids to turn defeat into positive action, an important message in today’s world where children aren’t allowed to fail at school and are somewhat ill prepared for real life as a result.

As usual with darci, Saturday’s event at the library will feature crafts for the kids and some good old home baking – in this case, cookies in the shape of Mollie’s favourite dog bone treats!

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