Portraits of book subjects on exhibit throughout October

 In News

Trina Berlo photo: Gerry Blackburn (from left), Noel Van Walleghem, Helen Blackburn, Donna Millsap, Gertie Gowan, Rina Barone, Sara Sniderhan, Maurice Weatherall, Dorothy Shropshire, Neil Metheral and Norma Johnston at the book launch for The Village and I: Ten Life Stories at Avening Hall Sept. 19.

The only thing lacking at the book launch for The Village and I: Ten Life Stories at Avening Hall on Saturday night was pens.

Writing implements were a hot commodity as an impromptu autograph session broke out. In the spirit of a high school yearbook, people were taking their newly acquired copies of the book, seen by most that night for the first time, around the room asking those featured on its pages, the artists and writers to sign their names.

It wasn’t easy for autograph seekers to weave through the crowd of 150 or so, who were treated to food, drink and entertainment.

“This is an extraordinary event. Neil Metheral has broken away from the moose hunt to attend a wine and cheese party and book launch. The world tilts on its axis and I am unsure of my footing,” said Dan Needles, who wrote an introduction for the book, adding that the book shows respect for the old rural community around Creemore.

The launch couldn’t keep Jerry Jordan home from the moose hunt, although his presence was represented by his portrait, painted by Creemore’s Peter Adams, placed prominently on the stage.

Sara Sniderhan, the book’s creator and painter of two of the portraits, and editor Rina Barone took the opportunity to thank everyone involved for their generous contributions to the project.

Around the room, all of the portraits included in the book reflected the images of those who shared stories about their early connection to the Creemore area.

The artwork will be on display at Creemore Log Cabin during the Creemore Festival of the Arts Oct. 3 and 4 before moving to the gallery at Curiosity House Books for the month of October. The artwork will be for sale at both shows.

Sniderhan will be removing her portraits of Neil Metheral and Donna (Millsap) Lowe on Oct. 12 for her solo show at Ingram Gallery in Toronto from Oct. 15-31.

The book costs $35 for a softcover copy and are available at the bookstore.

There are a limited number of books left but a second printing is being considered. The hardcover books have all sold.

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