NCPS open house Sept. 29

 In Community

Aaaand we’re back! Hello readers, you’ve probably seen the copious amounts of back to school advertisements, and realized that the new school season is in full effect. So, as the leaves on the trees ever so slowly turn yellow, I get back into the habit of writing a column every couple weeks.

This year started off pretty similar to all the others, except a few changes to the kindergarten side of the playground. There is now a jungle gym type area with a large amount of tires sticking out of the ground, and a wooden balance beam. And also, near that tire area, there’s a sandbox.

From Sept. 6-8, the school has been doing teambuilding activities at different times of the day. These are different activities that students rotate around in groups, similar to the winter games activities. However, rather than having a specific theme, like the other play days, these are teamwork-based, and require teamwork to succeed. One of the activities is the selfie-scavenger-hunt, where you work with your team to take selfies with different objects. I think it was a very fun time and on of the better play days the school has had.

And lastly, the school will have an open house on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., where students and parents can have dinner at the school, and parents can meet their child’s teacher.

Martin Hewitt is a Grade 7 student at Nottawasaga and Creemore Public School.

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