Big Heart Seniors

 In Community

On Feb. 16, Wilma Zeggil said grace before 24 members sat down to a fabulous potluck lunch.

Seems every month we show off so many more ideas to please our pallets, from hot meat dishes to coleslaw, deviled eggs and oh the desserts.

We send good wishes to Roy Veinot, who is going through some health issues, we hope all comes out well and you are back with us soon, Roy.

Thirty-nine members were out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by Melvin Lougheed, Marjory Thomson, Sherry Lohnes, Peter Gubbels, Barb Cudmore and Eileen Nash.

Five Moon Shots were played by Pat Winger, Effie Taylor, Leona Hartling, Karl Seifert, with the travel prize to Morris Tymchuk.

Winners for cards were Leona Hartling, 344; Marjory Thomson, 261; Peter Gubbels, 255; Dave Smith, 254, with Melvin Lougheed, low 116.  Janice Stephens was in the lucky chair.

I would like to relate a short true story of a young gentleman who rose to the status of head of the house four years ago, looking after a grandmother and two brothers all with health issues.  His grandmother had raised him as his mother could not. Phillip Kelly goes to school and works part time to feed his family. This week he received a $10,000 scholarship. Overcoming adversity, demonstrating strength of character, strong academic and a commitment to pursue higher education. I commend this young man for his strength and sense of commitment.

Remember: Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

On Feb. 23, we welcomed Cecil Ferguson back as we have not seen him in some time.

Sorry to see June Hartley missing today.

Thirty-two members were out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by Ron Laing, Eileen Nash, Dave Smith, Lucy Young and Irma Flack.

Seven Moon Shots were played by Dave Smith, Marcia Cameron, Wilma Zeggil, John Van Voorst, Isabelle Gubbels, Mary Bouchard with the travel prize to Ruth Lougheed.

Winners at cards were Marcia Cameron, 294; Melvin Lougheed, 287; Isabelle Gubbels, 280; Janice Stephens, 273, with low going to Edith Atkinson, 72. John Van Voorst was in the lucky chair.

A firefighter was assisting the medial team at scene where he carried a baby girl to the hospital along with her mother. He wished he could have a daughter as he and his wife had two sons but his wife could not carry another child. The nurse at the hospital told the crew that the mother wanted to give the baby girl up for adoption  because of her circumstance to which the firefighter said “throw my hat in the ring”. Much to his surprise and delight forty eight hours later the mother signed the paper over to he and his wife. A nice little heart warming story.

Remember: If you take the u out of mourning, it’s a brand new day.

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