Roast Beef Dinner at Christ Church Hall, Batteaux, May 27

 In Community

Welcome to Joan Monaghan whom we have not seen in quite a while.

Please remember your mothers on Sunday, her special day.

Set your calendar for the Roast Beef Dinner May 27 in the Christ Church Hall at the Batteaux.  Sittings at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

There was a short discussion on whether we would have our usual June catered dinner.  There may be a little charge for this dinner. More input will be at our next meeting.

Thirty-three members were out for cards and the 50/50 draws were won by Joan Monaghan, Morris Tymchuk, Marjorie Thomson, Lillian Hiltz, Alinda Bishop and Dave Smith.

Four moon shots were played by Pat Broad x2, Lloyd Somerville with the travel prize to Marjorie Thomson.

Winners for cards were Roy Veinot, 294; Art Bishop, 290; Leona Hartling, 277; Marjorie Thomson, 264; with low to Lillian Hiltz, 81. Peter Gubbels was in the lucky chair.

A student with a wit answered exam questions a little different:

1. In what battle did Napoleon die? His last battle.

2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? At the bottom.

3. What is the main cause of divorce? Marriage.

4. What can you never eat for breakfast? Lunch and dinner.

5. What looks like half an apple? The other half.

6. If you throw a red stone into blue water what will it become? Wet.

7. How can a man go eight days without sleeping? He sleeps at night.

8. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? You will never find an elephant with one hand.

9. If it took 8 men to build a wall how long would it take 4 men to build the wall? It’s already built.

Remember: Faith makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work and Love makes everything  Beautiful.

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