Food for thought

 In Letters, Opinion


It is absolutely disturbing that, through recent posts on social media and in their newsletter, the Township of Mulmur is recommending to its residents to “keep your grassy areas well maintained through regular mowing” and “by adhering to these guidelines, we not only ensure that our yards remain safe and visually appealing but also contribute to a cleaner, greener environment for all”

The post goes on to suggest it’s “especially crucial” even for properties up to 10 acres in size within the Niagara Escarpment Plan which fall under the guideline. Isn’t the NEC plan supposed to protect the natural environment?

Greener? Really? Wow! Who’s aesthetic vision is being projected here?

Bizarre that there is strong interest to plant “pollinator friendly” public spaces within the township while at the same time promoting the concept of keeping a ridiculous amount of our personal spaces cut short, effectively annihilating any wild living creature that might find food or habitat there. It is a sad state of affairs that we even need designated spaces to support pollinators existing in an environment akin to a zoo – typically initiated by special interest groups. It’s all of our responsibility and each and every one of us can make a positive difference.

The whole tone of the township’s post suggests that we are at war with Mother Nature rather than living in harmony with her. Wild bird populations are declining at a staggering rate. Amongst the major factors are habitat and food source loss. The overwhelming majority of birds eat insects to rear their young. Where might they find these insects? The real solution is to have a balance of mown and uncut areas which are essential to supporting wildlife.

Do we honestly think that nature as we know it will contentedly hum along whilst we continue to apply the ego-centric view that it’s all about us? Even if that is one’s stance, take heed from the eminent naturalist EO Wilson who famously said, “It’s the little things who run the world.”

Basically, if they die, we die. Extinction is forever.

Ian Payne and Viki Reynolds,
Not So Hollow Farm

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