Editor: I thought that poetry was about glorifying beauty, nature, people’s accomplishments, etc. Never crossed my mind that using profanity qualifies as a poem. (Re: It’s Donald! Duck! by [...]
Editor: With the winter wind howling outside, thoughts about gardening may not be top of mind, unless you are an avid gardener, or read Cecily Ross’ article in last week’s Echo. As our township [...]
Jokes about growing oranges and bananas in southwestern Ontario used to be a global-warming staple. We laughed about winters getting so mild that even citrus production could be sustained here. [...]
Recently a friend and I were talking about how sad it is that Creemore children don’t have a nearby hill for tobogganing or skiing. The hills either have too many trees or too many houses. Gone [...]
Editor: I’m a relative newbie to the arts scene. That is, recognizing the arts for its importance to me and everyone. It’s no secret that the arts play a pivotal role in livable communities. [...]
Editor: St. Luke’s Community Food Bank would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way. As a community, you generously donate your time and talents to assist us with our weekly sorting and [...]
Every decade or so Mother Nature throws a savage storm at us that we remember forever. On New Year’s Eve, the last evening of 1948, a snow storm blew into this area. Like many serious storms it [...]
I recently posted a Wellness Wednesday reel on Instagram that talked about welcoming all your feeling “guests” to the table, including your annoying Uncle Fear. This reel struck quite a chord so [...]
by Jacquie Rushlow The holiday season is a time of joy, family, and giving. Yet, it’s also one of the most wasteful times of the year. Studies show that household waste increases by about 25 per [...]
As is always the case with the community, pre-Christmas festivities manage to continue in spite of snow, freezing rain and road closures. We have been tucked up safe and warm at the B&B. [...]