Invasive plants threaten Avening park
Some Friends of the Mad River gathered at Carruthers Memorial Park on Monday for an update on planned bank restoration work, and a crash course on invasive plant species. Nicole Nielsen and Aidan McParland from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFA) were on hand to identify seven invasive plants threatening native species in the park.
The OFA is active in the monitoring and removal of invasive plant species. McParland says these are defined as non-native plants, often with a competitive advantage over native species. “They typically grow in dense mono cultures, choking out native plants and reducing biodiversity which is important for wildlife habitat.”
Neilsen pointed out that wild parsnip is found throughout the park. While it has gone to seed at this point, earlier in the season it can be recognized by yellowish green flowers in umbrella shaped clusters. “Wild Parsnip can grow up to 1.5 metres tall. The plantscontain a chemical that increases sensitivity to sunlight and can cause severe burns.” The chemical is found in the sap of the plants and can be released by cutting them. The photo sensitivity can last up to seven years.
Some of the plants on the list like Purple Loostrife and Dame’s Rocket are actually rather attractive, but still pose a threat to native species. Most were originally imported for use in gardens from places like Asia, where natural predators keep them in check.
Also on the OFA watch list are Garlic Mustard, Spotted Knapweed, Manitoba Maple and Common Buckthorn.
If you spot any of these plants you can report to the Invasive Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711 or make a report online to the Invasive Species Centre at
Laura Wensink of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority provided the gathering with updates on construction projects at the park.
A boulder wall with native plantings will be continued for 48 metres downstream from the boulder wall constructed last year. Upstream from last year’s work, five boulder clusters will be added mid-channel to create pools for spawning fish to rest and shady habitat for resident fish.