NCPS students selling cupcakes for Humane Society fundraiser

 In Community

On Monday, Feb. 29, the school will be selling cupcakes at nutrition breaks for the national cupcake day. All of the funds are going to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society, and different classes will be called down at different times. (For example, Grades 3-5 would be called down at first break and Grades 6-8 would be called down at second break.)

The school’s dance-a-thon was rescheduled to Friday because of the snow day. The dance-a-thon happens every year at NCPS when students get to have a dance party in the gym, and pledge money to the school in turn. Special envelopes to collect the pledges came home with students.

Winter games day (pictured) was held at the school all day Feb. 17. The spirit squad ran and organized the event. The groups of kids were organized by the school’s house colours. Some of the sports included were shlockey, broomball, bob sledding, and decathlon. Spirit Squad leaders said that running the activities was a challenge but rewarding at the same time. The event lasted a full five hours and 25 minutes. (9:30 to 2:55). Stayner Tim Hortons donated some hot chocolate, and the tires in one of the stations were provided by Midwest Metals. The teachers said the students were very well behaved, and everyone had a great time. One student said that all the activities were very fun and you got to play in the snow when you were done the activity.

On Wednesday, buses were cancelled because of a predicted storm. It was a bad day for a snow day, because that same day was pink T-shirt day, although students said it was fun staying home. However, the students that went to school did get to participate in the event.

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