Poor internet makes online banking difficult

 In Letters, Opinion

A letter to TD:

I am very disappointed in the TD Canada Trust Bank.

Imagine finding out your bank is closing after reading it on the door. Sounds like an “out to lunch” to me.

This bank has been in Creemore for over 100 years supporting our residents and us supporting you.

I don’t know whether you realize what the closing of this bank will do to our town. There is no other bank for us to use and to travel out of town is impossible for some.

The two new bank machines in Stayner are really of no use to us.

Easy Web Banking, which is not so easy, is not available to all because of no, or poor internet connections.

The businesses will have no safe place to make deposits or get coins and cash for their business.

What about the 200-300 new homeowners who come to Creemore? They will have no place to work out a mortgage deal or deposit their hard earned savings.

But on the other side, if we now have to leave Creemore, maybe we can check out what other financial institutions have to offer or maybe another bank would like to open a branch here.

Considering we have to leave town to bank, maybe we might as well do the rest of our shopping there also, which in the long run will hurt our businesses, and thus the town.

So please, stop and rethink this closure. You might not just close a bank but also help to close a town.

So your closing will not “offer us a comfortable banking experience today” but rather a hardship that we really don’t want.

So please rethink this plan and leave our bank here.

We need you and hopefully you will see that you need us.

Gayle Millsap,


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