United Way Simcoe Muskoka offering free, confidential tax clinics

 In Community

United Way Simcoe Muskoka continues to offer tax preparation clinics to individuals from low-income households across Simcoe County. This free tax preparation service is offered by the local charity through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.

“A recent report estimated that anywhere from 10-12 per cent of Canadians don’t file their taxes every year,” said Brian Shelley, Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer, United Way Simcoe Muskoka. “Many of those folks are from low-income households and are actually missing out on financial supports available to them.” United Way Simcoe Muskoka introduced this free service earlier this year to meet an identified need in the community. So far this year, United Way volunteers have filed 148 individual tax returns.

“We are so thankful to all of our volunteers for supporting us in offering this judgement free service to some of our most vulnerable community members,” said Shelley.

To learn more about United Way Simcoe Muskoka’s Free Tax Clinic, email taxclinic@uwsimcoemuskoka. ca or call 1-866-496-6805

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