Restoration on Sovereign building, apartments closer to approval
More than a year after fire tore through the old Sovereign Hotel building at 157 Mill St. in Creemore, the owners are nearly ready to begin restoration on the site.
Cyndie Gordon says Clearview Township has tentatively approved plans and, pending further drainage and engineering reports and a parking study, work should begin early in the New Year.
A fire broke out in the historic Mill Street building on Dec. 1, 2022. Tenants in all six apartments escaped unharmed but the apartments as well as the main floor space housing La Cucina restaurant sustained heavy damage. By the time firefighters arrived on scene the ground floor was engulfed in flame and fire had extended into the second and third floors.
Gordon says their intention is to maintain the historic look of the building.
“The front will be restored but the back of the building will need to be rebuilt,” she told The Echo. “Depending on the outcome of the remaining studies we’ll have between six and 10 apartments.”
Gordon has confirmed that restaurateur, Otta Zapotocky, intends to reopen as soon as the space is ready.