Strategic planning identifies 100 initiatives
The Township of Clearview has released its Strategic Plan final report, the result of five community consultation meetings, more than 600 surveys and a council workshop.
“Clearview is facing challenges outside of our direct control, as are many municipalities across Ontario, including affordable housing, the availability of workforce housing, inflationary pressures, shortages in local doctors, and the continuing threat of global climate change,” states Mayor Doug Measures in the report. “This Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for us to help navigate these challenges as we work towards our collective vision to grow and prosper for today and generations to come.”
The plan identifies five priorities: Infrastructure, recreation and culture, communication, climate, and agriculture (the municipality’s core business).
The report lists more than 100 initiatives set out by staff that are in line with each of council’s five priorities. Staff is working towards an interactive dashboard that residents can view at any time for updates on initiatives and projects of interest under each of the Strategic Priorities.
The initiatives include water and sewer capacity, roads and bridges, regulating short-term accommodation, accessibility, planning for tourism and parks, administrative improvements and software upgrades, zoning permissions for on-farm diversified uses, agricultural Official Plan mapping, and developing a Climate Action Committee.
“Our local economy will gain traction from new and improved infrastructure to support housing development, safe roads, and healthy living through sport and recreation pursuits, and arts and culture activities,” writes CAO John Ferguson. “We will continue seeking economic opportunity through tourism, community events, and by building and advancing infrastructure for recreation and cultural activities and for the safe transportation of goods and services. Viewing our community through the lens of the ‘five capitals’ has reinforced our commitment to natural, human, social, manufacturing and financial capital. The combination of these capitals, either in traditional or non- traditional ways, leads to financial capital and prosperity, while being responsible to our environment.”
Read the full report at
The application for Clearview’s new Climate Action Advisory Committee is now posted at node/9085. There are six positions open to community members. Applications will be considered by council during a closed in-camera session. Ferguson told the Clearview Sustainability Network at its meeting Tuesday that the goal is to make appointments by mid-March.