Home & Garden: Come on in
Welcome to the 2024 spring Home and Garden edition. The Creemore Echo is honoured to share with you this special edition that celebrates growth and nourishment as we mark the changing of the seasons and welcome sun and warmth.
This year, we are telling stories that illustrate how our homes can serve as a place for sanctuary, health and healing.
This theme developed somewhat organically but proved to be a path worth exploring.
In these pages you will read about people who use their homes to heal and nurture – both themselves and others.
Improvements made, meals cooked and passions fulfilled – these are all ways we give love to our homes and the people we share them with while hopefully accepting the love that is reflected back to us.
The act of caring for people, pets, wildlife, trees and plants has unseen rewards. A home can do a great deal to heal our bodies and souls. It is a place where we can make physical health a priority, feed our creativity, prioritize healthy eating and get some much needed rest.
As always, we are eternally grateful to those who open their doors to us and are willing to share their stories.
In this package of articles about a woodworker, DIYers, a home cook, landscaper, arborists, cabinet maker, gardeners, personal trainer and entrepreneurs there is a common thread; people are prioritizing physical, mental and spiritual wellness in their homes.
In most cases they share their passion and knowledge with the community through a home-based business of some kind, creating an opportunity to connect and help people find success in their endeavours in the home and in the garden.
We hope readers will find inspiration in the stories herein, and at the very least, learn a bit more about the people who are using their homes to feed their creativity and quest for knowledge.
From all of us at The Creemore Echo, we wish all of our readers a healthy and happy spring.
Remember to visit us at the Creemore Farmers’ Market this Saturday. Trina and Anna will be manning a booth from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we would be delighted to accept your feedback and contributions (we will be accepting debit and credit cards, in addition to cash and cheques).
All subscription options are posted at creemore.com/ shop. Boosters ($75); champions ($100) and patrons ($200) and any larger contributions are recognized in upcoming editions of the newspaper.
The Creemore Echo is independently owned and relies on subscriptions and advertising revenue to maintain operations. The small but mighty team strives to cover local news and events believing wholeheartedly that a healthy community newspaper builds strong communities.
We look forward to seeing everyone and celebrating opening day of the market, a true kick-off to the growing season.