Development halted until servicing solutions found
Council has endorsed preferred solutions for water and sewer servicing in Creemore in the form of expanding the groundwater system, and expanding the wastewater treatment plant at the existing site.
Senior water and wastewater specialist Jeff Langlois of RJ Burnside told council on May 13 that improvements to the wastewater treatment plant and a new well will add capacity but further study is needed to address future servicing needs.
A Master Servicing Plan (MSP) was initiated to address the need for water and sewer servicing that will facilitate planned and future development in Creemore, acknowledging that the forecasted needs of the community significantly exceed the existing water and wastewater servicing capacity. The plan identifies solutions for the long-term drinking water and sanitary wastewater servicing needs of the village taking into account 2042 growth projections.
According to the report, “The existing wastewater treatment plant at times exceeds both its actual hydraulic capacity and its actual organic loading capacity and as such there’s currently very limited wastewater treatment capacity to support additional infill or development.
“The preferred solution to address the required additional wastewater treatment capacity is to undertake an expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant at the existing wastewater treatment plant site.
“The preferred solution to address the water servicing needs includes the development of additional groundwater sources and the construction of additional water storage. An additional groundwater source has been identified to be located within the Creemore Commons (Tribute) subdivision and is expected to provide approximately 10 litres per second which is significantly less than the identified need of an additional 30.1 litres per second required to address all the forecasted needs associated with the 2042 planning horizon.”
Director of public works Dan Perreault noted the additional water capacity, possibly providing enough drinking water for 410 units, is less than included in the draft plan of subdivision.
Until sufficient new water capacity is located to develop all proposed units to the satisfaction of the township, Council voted to “not support the issuance of draft plan of subdivision approval for the Creemore Commons and Zeng Developments as the criteria of Planning Act have not been met and that existing residual water capacity will not be allocated outside of the village core or existing Creemore built boundary unless new information permits the township to allocate without increasing risk to existingratepayers.”
Once the study’s notice of completion is filed there will be a 30-day commenting period.
For more information, visit www., where study materials will be posted.