Look what The Creemore Community Foundation has done, so far…!

 In Letters, Opinion


Congratulations and thanks to the Creemore Community Foundation on the successful achievement of building a “bigger heart” within the village of Creemore, which is known as “a little village with a big heart.”

Witness the events held in the Village Green on the weekend of August 17-18: the Clearview firefighters’ free movie night on Friday complete with popcorn, a successful expanded market on Saturday morning, Chez Michel‘s creating a special French dinner in the park, free yoga on Sunday morning and the amazing musical entertainment of the Mudmen on Sunday that provided enjoyment for so many hundreds of people. All events were held in the beautifully designed space that provides entertainment for children such as splash pools, ping-pong for all ages, ball toss and all within the beautiful artistically planned gardens planted and maintained by the Creemore Horticultural Society.

Kudos to the gardeners! Did you notice the white gardens next to the Station on the Green that are very appropriate to wedding receptions?

The Creemore Foundation was established to enable the funding of the brilliant concept of a gathering place in Creemore, a new expanded central heart within the village. The idea was to use the existing horticultural park combined with landed donated by the TD bank adjacent to the Station on the Green.

There is some confusion about what a community foundation is. Briefly it is a funding entity which allows everyone to contribute to the well-being of their community – and get a tax receipt. This means that with the tax deduction on your annual taxes, you feel good about giving and could, in fact, think about giving twice as much as you could without a tax deduction! Think of it as a Savings Account for the community. The principle is untouched and only the interest earned on the principle is spent. If invested wisely the interest should bring in at least five per cent or more. The magic is that the principle carries through as long as the foundation exists. If bad times stress an organization, looking to a community foundation with its solid footing can carry the day. (For more information check out Community Foundations of Canada website. Eg. Family funds are a popular way to contribute to a foundation.)

The ownership of the land was transferred from the Foundation to Clearview Township post-construction but the Foundation has an agreement to maintain the programming and the maintenance of the grounds at no cost to the taxpayer for the next 20 years. If you value the sports programs, support groups, arts groups and enrichment of school programs think about where the money comes from. So many organizations are on delicate ground financially. You can help with this “one-stop shopping” suggestion.

So, take the opportunity to be part of the healthy growth of our special village and all the activities and programs that make this a special place to live. You can send donations to the Foundation through Canada Helps or, for larger donations, see the website. Gifts of securities and legacies in your will also will ensure a strong capital base.

Thanks again to the amazing volunteers and the foresight of the founders of the Creemore Community Foundation. The new Village Green is a real asset and benefit to the community.

Joan Vanduzer, Mulmur.
And Friends of the Foundation.

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