On Saturday, October 6, dozens of men will don bright red stilletos and walk a mile-long route in downtown Collingwood to raise funds for My Friend’s House, southern Georgian Bay’s only shelter [...]
Clearview Council adopted a new salary structure for its non-union employees Monday night, adjusting its overall market pay position up 13 percentage points to the 50th percentile when looking at [...]
Clearview Council instructed its staff Monday night to submit an application for a grant under Human Resources and Skills Development Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund, hoping the Township [...]
Despite some muddy conditions, last weekend’s 157th annual Great Northern Exhibition was, as always, a wonderful celebration of rural life past and present. See a full slideshow of pictures from [...]
The Cardboard Castles-sponsored Imaginarium tent was a happening place during the Festival of the Arts, with kids of all ages designing their own wings and “learning to fly.”
The First Friday Soul Singers, a local, non-ecumenical choir of 13 voices who have been practicing and performing together in various iterations for the past few years, have decided it is time to [...]
Clearview’s community halls are in need of more than $1 million in repairs according to an engineering report presented at a special meeting of Council last Thursday and, after further discussion [...]
Mulmur Council voted at its Wednesday meeting to have its Integrity Commissioner conduct a formal inquiry to determine whether Councillor Lynn Hilchey is in contravention of Mulmur’s Code of [...]
For Lucas Gordon, who grew up in Creemore and is now in his fourth year at the Ontario College of Art and Design, the biggest problem with his latest artistic passion is finding the right canvas. [...]
Art fans looking to escape the bustle of town this weekend can venture up the 5th Line to Peter Adams’ place, which the painter has renamed “Idlewild North” and turned into a whimsical sculpture [...]