Enough disagreement to make a difference

 In Letters, Opinion


In response to the Jan. 20 letter from Oscar Patton, I too believe in democracy. That is why, until the weather defeated me, I had a lawn sign expressing my disagreement with our MP Kellie Leitch. There are many of us who disagree with Dr. Leitch and, while Mr. Patton may dismiss us as a fringe movement, there are enough of us to make a difference.

I have always found The Creemore Echo to be a thoughtful, reliable reflection of local opinion. Mr. Patton seems to prefer The Toronto Sun but, if I had to rely on either The Sun or The Echo for my information, I know which one I would choose.

Unless Canadians are of First Nation origin, we are all immigrants at some level. Canada, my beloved chosen country, has no room for divisive, fear-mongering politics with its dog-whistle messages of racism and xenophobia. On this important anniversary of confederation, let’s make Canada an even better country, despite Dr. Leitch.

Marjorie Lang,


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