Village Green is a wonderful reinvention of space

 In Letters, Opinion

I have been a little disappointed in some of the recent letters to the editor regarding the proposed changes to the Village Green.
It would appear that for some residents, the only good change is no change at all. I’m left to believe that these folks still pine for the old bank, and maybe if they whine enough one of Canada’s other fine financial institutions will ride in and fill their void. Even if that fairy tale came true, would that be best for Creemore?
Others believe we should forfeit the bank’s gift of the land in hopes of someone purchasing it for a new business, completely ignoring the fact that there are already several vacant storefronts and properties for rent or sale.
Bottom line – TD left because it was underutilized. That would not be the case for the proposed Village Green expansion.
After attending the public consultation meetings, it is my humble opinion that it will be a wonderful reinvention of the present space for all Creemore residents to enjoy for generations to come.
I am curious about one thing however… were there disgruntled letters to the editor back when the present, soulless brick box of a building was being built?
Shawn Thompson,

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