Residents plant garden concept to foster sense of community
The traditional small town social life is alive and well in Creemore. Neighbours get together in common public spaces to meet, get to know each other, laugh, spread news, and make sure everybody is safe and well. The Station on the Green is one such place that Creemore residents have to promote these important connections. This beautiful building and surrounding “garden” has helped to build the Creemore community since its establishment in 2000.
At this moment there are no such “gardens” in Mulmur Township. The residents of Mulmur do not have any similar beautiful common spaces from which the community can benefit. A small group of residents are trying to change this. By introducing small parks or gardens the group hopes to develop the much needed social spaces to make the difference in peoples’ lives.
Recently, the Township Office in Terra Nova has opened a space every second Tuesday to those who want to socialize and play cards or participate in some other activities. Although it is a start, the basement location does not lend itself to the inviting atmosphere that exists in a park or garden. A garden supplies a breathing space of informal beauty. Its enticing atmosphere draws people in, creating an ambiance where social connections are cultivated.
To design a garden is one thing, but to build a garden is another matter. It is not the size or vegetation that matters the most but the garden setting, ambiance, and character. The magic of each garden would be locked in the discovery of nature’s local gift of beauty and diversity. Rather than an unexpected formality or wilderness, the garden would be created from the local palette of components that nature already offers – trees, bushes, grasses, wild flowers and water. Subtle landscaping, like shaping the earth a little, exposing a solitary tree, or placing a bench or pavilion may be all that is needed. Architectural elements might be introduced to reveal the harmonious relation of humans and nature.
The concept is in its early stages. It will take a great effort of many people before any benefits can be seen, but the true intent of community connectedness will be there from the beginning. The Mulmur gardens should be created by local people (with the assistance of the township council), governed by the laws of nature and ruled by Mulmur residents, both permanent and part-time. Those who decide to join us and participate in the creation of the Garden Township may find in return a sense of purpose, happiness and memories that will live forever as they sit in the shade of the tree they have planted. Mulmur Gardens can be nature’s gift that keeps on giving, for those who give more and take less.
On Tuesday, March 12, please join us in the planning of the Garden Township, in the Mulmur Township office basement in Terra Nova, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
by Leah Pressey, Elisabeth Swinton, Jan Benda