Difficult decision to keep nursery closed

 In Letters, Opinion


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the friends and supporters of Cut and Dried Flower Farm. Cut and Dried Flower Farm has been in full time operation since 1993. We are a family business and many of you will remember our kids assisting in the greenhouses and at the Farmers’ Market. Over the past 30 years, Chris and I have built this business from scratch, starting with just one tiny greenhouse and growing to a unique, full and thriving business with over 10,000 square feet of growing and retailingspace. I have made it my mission to grow an incredibly full and interesting range of high quality plants, as well as focusing on providing outstanding customer service…. all along, developing and nurturing a culture of positivity, respect and passion for gardening amongst both customers and employees. We are very proud of the business and community that we have built.

Alongside Cut and Dried Flower Farm, we have been running Complete Outdoor Services Inc., our landscaping and property maintenance company, that Chris founded in 1988. 2024 will be our 37th year of operation. We provide personalized landscaping, lawn maintenance and garden maintenance services. I lead a garden division that employs eight people, taking care of over 60 properties. I design and understand gardens and love doing it!

Successfully leading two businesses for all this time has not been easy. Last year, I made the difficult decision to take a sabbatical from the Flower Farm, with the full intention of reopening in 2024. I have spent this past year doing a lot of soul searching and recognize that I am just doing too much. As much as I love growing plants and my brain craves the hustle and challenges of running the farm, I know deep down that I can only sustainably manage one business at a time. So, Chris and I have made the difficult decision that Cut and Dried Flower Farm will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

Now, I say “foreseeable” future for a reason. Never say never. For now I will keep focusing my energy towards Complete Outdoor Services Inc. and work on the design, installation and maintenance of our client’s gardens. In the future, Chris and I hope to return to growing plants and reopen the farm someday.

I’m sending out a huge thank you to all our loyal customers and friends for 30 years of community, support and inspiration to grow the Flower Farm. I am honoured that you chose to support our business. Thank you, all employees, whether you were with us a few months or many years. Your contribution has been integral to the success of the farm. Thank you to everyone now for your understanding.

So as you get to work in your own garden this spring or simply enjoy and appreciate a garden that others create, I will leave you with a phrase that I coined during those difficult pandemic years, “Let a garden bring joy to your life!”

In gratitude,
Katie Dawson,
Cut and Dried Flower Farm, Glencairn

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