Editor: With the winter wind howling outside, thoughts about gardening may not be top of mind, unless you are an avid gardener, or read Cecily Ross’ article in last week’s Echo. As our township [...]
Editor: Kudos to Murray Lackie (I believe that every day should be Earth Day, The Creemore Echo, April 14) for a salient, honest, letter with trademark Lackie humour. What a simple yet brilliant [...]
A multi-generational crowd encompassing young children with their handmade signs through to young-at- heart elders with their walkers gathered this past Saturday to show their opposition to the [...]
Editor: We are in a housing crisis. Bill 23 is proposing 1.5 million new homes in the next 10 years. So why are organizations as varied as the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Ontario [...]
On a grey, blustery Remembrance Day, a small crowd gathered around Singhampton’s cenotaph where a visibly cold but stoic Reverend Dobson remembered and honoured all our fellow citizens who have [...]
It was a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend, something to savour and be thankful for. Yet for me it also felt somehow nostalgic, a moment soon to pass, filtered with news of Typhoon Hagibis wreaking [...]
“It is worse, much worse, than you think.” That is the sombre start to the book The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells, which has kickstarted our family’s efforts to more actively engage [...]
With a light dusting of snow setting the scene, gently foretelling of the season to come, both tire stores and ‘The One Stop Christmas Shop’ at Duntroon School enjoyed crowds getting ready for [...]