Mark Friday, July 12 on your calendar as a very special day when the Clearview Public Library’s UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) welcomes the ROM inflatable planetarium to Stayner, [...]
Bill Franks started his painting career as a boy rowing A.Y. Jackson around the Go-Home Bay area of Georgian Bay. His paintings are now on display in the art gallery at the Stayner Branch of the [...]
Latitude 44.416667. Longitude -80.083333. Earth, the Solar System, Oort Cloud, Local Fluff, Local Bubble, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster, [...]
What do an alien, an astronaut and a leprechaun have in common? Here at the Clearview Public Library over March Break, we will be hosting multiple activities based on the trending theme of [...]
Taking place on Saturday, Jan. 27 is the 25th annual Family Literacy Day. This special celebration raises awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities [...]
Captain Jack Frost, Pauley the Parrot and their crew invite you to join them as they celebrate the 2023 Holiday Season with lots of good cheer and music at all three branches of the Clearview [...]
Clearview Public Library summer student Ryan Floyd challenged Mark Purkis to complete a literary word searchabout bugs at the Creemore Farmers’ Market Community Coffee Booth last Saturday. [...]
Earth Day 2023 (Saturday, April 22nd) will be a very special day for the Clearview Public Library as we celebrate “Good Things That Grow in Clearview” at the Clearview Eco Park in [...]
In honour of Valentine’s Day, Clearview Public Library is hosting a very special promotion involving a Blind Date with a Book. Circulation clerk Elizabeth Alavarez is holding one of the many [...]
Christmas time can be a time of peace, joyfulness and happiness but it can also be a time of messiness and expense. If you or any member of your family is looking for some stress-free allotments [...]