A new documentary has been released with the aim of sharing one man’s story of hope in order to spare the lives of suicidal teens across Canada and beyond. The film, If You’re Reading [...]
Water and sewer rates will be increasing in Clearview Township as a result of unrealized growth projections. At the Nov. 4 council meeting, Ken Sharratt, of Sharratt Water Management, presented [...]
A new Huronia West Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Board will give Clearview Township a voice in the way the detachment is run. The board, formed under the Community Safety and [...]
At the end of the month, Creemore Nature Preserve will be closed to the public for two to four weeks for plantation thinning. The Creemore Nature Preserve is a 204-acre property on Concession [...]
Clearview Township has finalized agreements with its three largest developers in order to submit an application for provincial funding that could result in new water capacity for Stayner. A [...]
Editor: The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has a logging project planned at the Creemore Nature Preserve, located on Concession 6 South, also fondly referred to as the Mingay Tract. The [...]
Editor: Many of us are concerned about global warming and about saving our natural environment from decline. It seems like an overwhelming job, little that me or you, as an individual, can do. I [...]
At its September meeting, 100 Men Who Care Southern Georgian Bay chose to support Breaking Down Barriers Independent Living Resource Centre (BDB) by donating over $11,300 to support project HUG [...]
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association is installing signs along the trail acknowledging that it passes through traditional Indigenous territories. The association acknowledges that settlement [...]
As of Nov. 13, bins will be setup throughout Creemore to accept donations for the St. Luke’s Community Food Bank. Partners are working together to make sure the food bank’s shelves are stocked [...]